
[Guifilab] [ENG] NMSPrime. Network Provisioning Tool and Management Platform

Title: NMSPrime. Network Provisioning Tool and Management Platform
Topic: NMSPrime overview, configuration and demo.
We will introduce NMS Prime https://www.nmsprime.com an ISP-in-a box solution that helps Internet Service Providers to manage networks. We'll take solution's overview and it´s modules for provisioning, administration, billing, monitoring, manage failure, ticketing, API, etc. We will walk trough the configuration of the solution and we'll show demo of its functionality. This is the second part of this previous Guifilab https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ao18SFMz1Yc

WHO: Ole Ernst will be our speaker. Ole is the CTO of NMS Prime. He's been in the company for roughly 5 years now. He comes from a University (Chemnitz University of Technology) background
and got into NMS Prime via a project between the University and NMS Prime. He's
still giving lectures at the university weekly apart from being the CTO @ NMS Prime.

Type of presentation: presentation and demo.

Language: English
Date: Friday the 10th of December at 19:00

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